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Time Session Information
7:00 to 8:00 Registration and Breakfast
8:00 Canadian Concussion Centre Conference: Opening Remarks
C.H. Tator
Morning Session Chair: M.C. Tartaglia
8:10 Keynote Address
If (Almost) Every Athlete has CTE, Why Do We Need Pathologists?

W. Stewart, Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Glasgow
8:55 The Spectrum of Neuropathological Changes in Athletes with History of Repeated Concussions: Are We Chasing the Wrong Lesion?
L.N. Hazrati
9:15 Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers in Professional Athletes with Multiple Concussions
F. Taghdiri, N. Multani, R. Goswami, A. Tarazi, S. A. Naeimi, M. Khodadadi, L. Oliva, L. Levesque, C. Esopenko, R. Wennberg, D. Mikulis, R.E. Green, B. Colella, K. Davis, B. Levine, C.H. Tator, M.C. Tartaglia
9:30 Steve Montador’s Family
9:40 POSTER SESSION: RAPID PODIUM PRESENTATIONS – (2 mins/poster) Posters # 1-5
9:55 to 10:30 Refreshment Break and Poster Exhibits
10:30 Keynote Address
What We Are Learning about the Importance of Concussions in Women and Girls

K. Snedaker, The founder of the Pink Concussion Conferences
11:15 Sex-Specific Alterations of the Salience and Fronto-Parietal Networks in Individuals with Post-Concussion Symptoms - Resting-State Functional Connectivity Of Large- Scale Networks
R. Shafi, A.P Crawley, M.C. Tartaglia, C.H. Tator, R.E. Green, D. Mikulis, A. Colantonio
11:30 MRI Findings in Patients with a Clinical Diagnosis of Post-Concussion Syndrome: Toronto Neuroimaging Criteria for Post-Concussion Syndrome
J. Panwar, C. Hsu, C.H. Tator, D. Mikulis
11:45 Full-Brain Connectivity Analysis in Healthy Aging Remotely Concussed Athletes
S. Guay, S. Tremblay, Y. Iturria-Medina, J.M. Mateos-Perez, A.C. Evans, L. De Beaumont
12 to 1:00 Lunch and Poster viewing
Afternoon Session Chair: Robin Green
1:00 Keynote Address Psychological Mechanisms Underlying Persistent Symptoms after Concussion
N. Silverberg, Clinical Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia
1:45 Remotely Delivered Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Treatment of Mood Disturbance in People with Persisting Symptoms of Concussion
B. Budisin, L. Miguel Jaimes, D. Kwan, L. Meusel, M. Panoso, A. Changoor, A. Tibbles, A. Robertson, B. Colella, M.C. Tartaglia, C.H. Tator, R.E. Green
2:00 Concussion Protocol Harmonization: The Who, What, and How of a National Approach to Concussion
S. Cowle, P. Fuselli
2:15 Development of Best Practices Consensus for Concussion Policy in the School Context
S. Mylabathula, C.H. Tator
2:30 Rowan Stringer’s Family
2:40 POSTER SESSION: RAPID PODIUM PRESENTATIONS – (2 mins/poster) Posters # 6 -10
2:55 to 3:30 Refreshment Break with Poster Exhibits
3:30 Mild Traumatic Brain Injury leads to Sustained DNA Damage and Acquisition of SenescenceAssociated Secretory Phenotype by Astrocytes
N. Schwab, L.N. Hazrati
3:45 A Novel Visual Task as an Indicator of White Matter Integrity and Cortical Thickness in Retired Professional Athletes With Multiple Concussions
F. Taghdiri, J. Chung, N. Multani, A. Tarazi, S.A. Naeimi, M. Khodadadi, R. Wennberg, D. Mikulis, R.E. Green, B. Colella, K. Davis, C.H. Tator, M. Eizenman, M.C. Tartaglia
4:00 AV1451 Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Tau as a Potential Biomarker in Professional Athletes with Possible Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
A. Vasilevskaya, , F. Taghdiri, C. Burke, A. Tarazi, S.A. Naeimi, M. Khodadadi, R. Goswami, R. Wennberg, D. Mikulis, R.E. Green, B. Colella, K. Davis, P. Rusjan, S. Houle, C.H. Tator, M.C. Tartaglia
4:15 Longitudinal Study of 834 Concussed Patients to Highlight Factors that Contribute to the Development of Postconcussion Syndrome (PCS).
E. Boulanger, C.H. Tator
4:30 Closing Remarks
C.H. Tator
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