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Course Instructors

Karen Brunton B.Sc. PT, C/NDT is a Physiotherapist and Clinical Educator at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network. She holds a Lecturer status appointment with the Department of Physical Therapy, University of Toronto. Karen has over 35 years experience working with clients with neurological impairments in acute, rehabilitation, long term care and outpatient settings. She has been an NDTA™ Adult Course Coordinator Instructor since 1991, Advanced Course Instructor since 1996 and an instructor with IBITA (International Bobath Instructor Training Association) since 1997. Karen has taught courses internationally and extensively throughout North America (Canada, United States and Mexico). In addition, she has presented on various topics at NDTA™ National Conference, Ontario Physiotherapy Conference and Canadian Physiotherapy Congress.

Karen Guha B.Sc. PT, C/NDT is a Physiotherapist in the Kitchener/Waterloo area. She works at Grand River Hospital in Kitchener and treats private clients at Back Works Spinal and Sports Rehabilitation in Waterloo. She graduated from the University of Toronto, in 1996 with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy. She completed her NDT Certificate course in 1999 and has taken numerous other Advanced NDT courses. Karen began teaching as an NDTA™ Instructor Candidate in 2002 and completed her training to become a PT Instructor in 2007. Karen became a NDTA™ Coordinator Instructor in 2011. She has taught introductory, intermediate, advanced and certificate NDT courses in Canada, the United States, South America, Asia and Europe. She has 19 years experience working with adults with neurological impairments in acute, rehabilitation, and outpatient settings.

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