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Primary data display information area


The call for abstracts is now closed. Thank you to all those who submitted an abstract.

Click here to see a list of poster presenters.


Specific Guidelines for Poster Displays

  1. Displays may consist of a one-piece poster, or a two dimensional collection of smaller pieces which utilize the panel as a background.
  2. Posters must be HORIZONTAL. The display’s overall size must not exceed the panel dimensions (72" wide x 36" high or 6ft x 3ft).
  3. Handouts may not be left on the floor in front of the display.
  4. Business card or brochure holders may be attached to the display panel.
  5. Displays will be showcased during the conference breaks and lunch.
    10:40 – 11:10am - Morning Break
    12:45 – 1:45pm - Lunch
    3:45 – 4:00pm - Afternoon Break


Oral Rapid Podium Abstract Presentation Guidelines

  1. You will have exactly 5 minutes to present
  2. If you are not done after 5 minutes, you will be interrupted by the moderator.
  3. Due to the quick successive presentation format, please limit your presentation to PowerPoint.
  4. A laptop and projector will be provided for your use and all of the oral presentations will be loaded onto the computer in advance in the correct order.


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