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Conference Information


6:30 pm to 10:00 pm Marketplace and Community Displays Open
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Registration Desk Open
6:30 pm to 7:15 pm Conference Welcome Reception
7:30 pm to 9:30 pm Keynote Address by Dr. Laura Markham


Please join us for our opening reception, Friday January 16th beginning at 6:30 pm. This informal gathering will feature some light appetizers, live music and a chance to catch up with old friends and colleagues as well as meet some new ones. This is a great time to visit our marketplace and community displays as well!

Friday Keynote

Dr. Laura Markham

Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting

Are you tired of battling with your child? Do you wish you knew how to get your child cooperating without yelling and threats? Are you trying to find the sweet spot between spoiling and strict? Dr. Laura Markham gives you practical everyday strategies to help you raise a child who WANTS to cooperate. No parent is peaceful all the time, but it’s completely possible to create a more peaceful home where affection, connection and humour help you resolve conflict happily, and where kids WANT to follow your lead. In this talk, you’ll have a chance to ask questions about your own parenting, and you’ll learn:

  • Why Yelling, Threats and Punishment actually create more misbehavior.
  • How children develop self-discipline and learn to regulate their emotions.
  • Your secret weapon to get your child cooperating.
  • The most important parenting habit to create a peaceful home.
  • Strategies to handle your own strong emotions so you can help your child.


8:00 am to 3:30 pm Registration Desk Open
8:00 am to 1:30 pm Marketplace and Community Displays Open
9:00 am to 9:15 am Conference Welcome in Theatre
9:15 am to 10:15 am Keynote Address by Gary Anaka
10:45 am to 12:45 pm Session A Workshops
12:45 pm to 1:45 pm Lunch in the Gym
1:45 pm to 3:45 pm Session P Workshops
3:45 pm Conference Close

Saturday Keynote

Gary Anaka

How Play Grows The Child's Brain

Playing· is the most natural and genuine way the brain learns best. It is the essence of life. Playing is critical to grow and develop a child’s brain. Discover how playing literally builds connections in the brain that promote intelligence and establish multiple pathways for learning, experiencing and relating to life. What is the basic ingredient for emotional growth, social growth, intellectual growth, and physical growth? It’s play! Play engages the brain for learning.

Workshop Overview

A1 An Attachment-Based Approach to Challenging Behaviours
- Camille Netherton

A2 Understanding Toddlers and How Their Behaviours Aff ect Us
- Kim Pender

A3 Deep in the Forest: Cultivating Connections Between Children and Nature
- Tricia Edgar

A4 Responding to a Need for Change: Implementing Emergent/Responsive Curriculum in Your Centre
- Lauren OpdenDries & Tara Elston

A5 Hey, My Brain Doesn’t Work That Way! Understanding Sensory Processing and Self-Regulation
- Marc Landry

A6 Learn, Live and Play by-Heart! Your Amazing Operating System and How to Use it in the Classroom
- Marianna Paulson

A7 Developing Communication Skills
- Amanda Lenk & Karine Tardif

A8 More Great Circle Times
- Amy Ashmore & Susan Andrews

A9 Messy Art
- Julie Hansen

A10 Mindfulness for Early Learning Professionals
- Dr. Laura Markham

P1 Bridging the Gaps: Strategies for Challenging Behaviour
– Katy Bigsby

P2 Inviting Sensory Experiences for Infants and Toddlers
– Julie Hansen

P3 Educating the Heart Through Nature Art
– Marghanita Hughes

P4 Food for Thought: What You Need to Know About Food Allergy
– Laura Bantock

P5 Tips and Tricks to Planning a Successful Day
– Kim Pender

P6 Experience Diversity
– Debra Akhurst & Margret Hanke

P7 Engaging Diffi cult to Reach Children and Families
– Matthew Johnston

P8 Teaching the Hurt Child
– Meagan VanDiermen

P9 BC Hydro Energy Explorers Program
– Wendy Lorch

P10 Your Brain on the Job
– Gary Anaka



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