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Topics generally include current research and case studies in the above streams 


Fresh Ideas

This program is open to YP delegates presenting for their first time at the Conference, subject matter that has not been produced as part of a PhD, Masters, or undergraduate thesis. For more information please contact


Asset Management

These sessions include topics within the asset management field as it relates to water and wastewater renewal planning methodologies, business processes and capacity, condition and risk assessments.  Examples of relevant topics could include:

  • Strategic through technical level of service-based capital and maintenance planning
  • Condition, performance and risk assessments as they apply to investment planning
  • Asset Management Frameworks and Implementation Plans
  • Evidence based capital planning
  • Organizational, skills, capacity assessment and planning for asset management
  • AM based business cases as it relates to Provincial and Federal Funding



These sessions includes topics that support the advancement of the automation of processes associated with treatment, distribution, water quality and power management through sharing of knowledge via different stakeholders, and then presenting them to the industry. Automation includes process control, SCADA, instrumentation, data collection and management, power distribution and management, security, safety systems, optimization and information technology.


Certification & Education

These sessions promote continuing education for those in the drinking water industry by:

  • Sharing timely information transfer between regulatory agencies (Ministry of the Environment & Climate Change, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ministry of Infrastructure etc.) and attendees
  • Exchanging information among drinking water industry professionals on topics of operation and maintenance of water treatment and distribution facilities.


Climate Change

Climate change will have significant impacts and the extent of the impacts will vary geographically. Preparing for change is crucial to ensure residents and businesses in Ontario continue to receive an adequate and uninterrupted supply of high quality drinking water. These sessions will bring predicted changes, together with alternatives to address the issues.



These sessions will support the advancement in understanding construction processes associated with treatment and distribution through sharing of knowledge via different stakeholders including Owners, Contractors and Consultants, including office and field staff. Processes include the review of contract delivery methods, communications, construction techniques, value engineering, cost benchmarking, market analysis, innovations, project controls, change and risk management, partnering, collaboration, close-out, contract administration and resident inspection, health and safety and quality controls.


Cross Connection Control

These sessions will include topics that educate the drinking water industry on back flow prevention. 


Communication & Public Matters (CPAC) 

Sessions will communicate messages on safe, sufficient, and sustainable drinking water to further OWWA’s position as the leading resource on drinking water in Ontario.



These sessions will assemble and disseminate information on the design, engineering, construction, operation, and maintenance of water distribution systems. Primary areas of focus will include unique design approaches, condition assessment, water loss management, water metering, regulatory compliance and distribution system water quality.


E/A Master Plans



Emerging Issues

These sessions are intended to highlight emerging issues and challenges being faced by water systems. Issues can be related to a broad range of topics, from new or little-known source water contaminants to emerging operational challenges in distribution systems.



These sessions will educate on groundwater issues such as well design and maintenance, groundwater water quality and treatment, data management, groundwater supply and protection.   



These sessions will focus on the advancement and dissemination of knowledge concerned with the improvement of water utility management practices, typically through development and/or review of water management related policies, procedures and practices. Areas of focus include utility governance; utility structure and organization; utility operations management; and financial matters such as asset management plans, master plans, rate setting, and budgeting of operational and capital expenditures.



The Ontario Municipal Water Association (OMWA) sessions at the conference focuses on the management, administration and governance of municipal water systems, including programs and planning initiatives which affect the system's financial sustainability. These sessions may also include various business-related issues such as support services and organizational efficiency strategies.


Small Systems

These sessions will provide information to managers and operators of small systems to help them deal with water supply and treatment issues and regulations. This includes systems regulated under O. Reg. 319, O. Reg. 170 and First Nations.


Source Water Protection

These sessions will cover developments in the implementation of SWP related legislation and how this affects municipalities and stakeholders. Other subjects include evaluating factors in the watershed that affect the quality of the raw water that is the source of Ontario’s drinking water and the effectiveness of SWP measures. 



These sessions will address water quality issues and regulations from source to tap. The focus will be on gathering and disseminating information related to achieving the highest quality water through treatment for all municipal purposes.  


University Research 

These sessions will feature students presenting their drinking water related research projects. Subject areas include but are not limited to treatment, distribution, groundwater etc. The Provart Award winner will be selected from students presenting in this session. A key aspect is the applicability of the presented studies to the water industry.


Water Efficiency

These sessions will be dedicated to advancing water use reduction. Topics will include valuable resources to assist Ontario municipalities in the preparation of water efficiency plans, reducing the peak seasonal demands and developing water efficiency programs.

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